Well, I know some of you think I have taken FOREVER and a day to post this wedding but, honestly, there was soooo much to it and I couldn't whittle down what I wanted to share so, hey, it's my blog and I'll post as many pictures as I want to! ha! (photos donated by both Aaron Wulf and untagged photos by Jillian Mitchell - thank you guys!). The wedding was held October 9, 2010 at Dreams Puerto Vallarta.
Seriously awesome, amazing couples to start off the wedding season - first our multi-cultural sweet as honey couple Adam and Perla and, then, the dynamic, absolutely gracious Allyson & Jason - so blessed! Allyson came and basically told me she wanted BLING she wanted BANG she wanted WOWZERS and I said "SWEET!" Definitely a detail bride, everything she came to me with which she had already chosen was EXACTLY what I would have recommended had we started at the very very beginning (which we sortof did :) ...

After discussing it a bit, we decided that the colors would be shades of pink with accents in silver and black. We were going for a hollywood glam but in a bit more vintage style. This was Allyson's design board:

Can I heart heart heart my own ceremony? Of course I can! ;) Nothing says "vintage" to me more than roses, so we selected white roses for Allyson's bouquet - I found this amazing vintage brooch when I was out and about and it ended-up matching Allyson's gown - we had a lot of those "coincidences" going on through-out this wedding which was cherries and more cherries. Allyson had one maid of honor and we decided to do pale blush pink roses to really off-set against her beautiful silver-gray bridesmaid dress. Miniature pale pink roses were chosen for Jason's bout and I am an accent girl - so anytime I can find a cool accent and have a place to put it I do, which is how that beautiful crystal accent found its way on Jason's bout. We made flower girl purses out of beautiful pink hand-beaded lace. The stage was set!
Bridal Bouquet

Bridesmaid Bouquet

Groom Bout

Flower Girl

As guests arrived they were greeted with a sign and some flip-flops to change into so as not to get their heels dirty and full of sand ;).

Hand-painted clear plastic fans with black handles were placed on top of the ceremony programs one of Allyson's friends made-up for her. I wanted an amazing ceremony aisle and I think the boys did a fantastic job ...

All leading up to this absolutely amazing chuppah - seriously one of the prettiest ones I think we've ever done ... the chandelier base, believe it or not, I brought down from the States in my suitcase in pieces and we created it once I got home. I heart heart everything about this ceremony set-up.

We were intending on having part of the cocktail down below Oceana - but we hadn't really counted on the turtles hatching down there - so we moved it all up underneath the palapa and I think it worked out even better. A sign announced the event being held there that day. Silver vintage looking couches were brought-in, accented with black and pink and silver pillows and silver candle sticks were filled with miniature blush roses and surrounded by candles. We used the maracas as a decoration favor piece ;).

I decided to kill two birds/one stone and we used the tequila shot glasses as containers to hold the escort cards. Signs introducing various tequilas, as well as the history behind it, were perched in silver photo frames.

Six chandeliers filled with roses and crystals lined the center of the reception area. We also had candles with strung crystals hanging off to the side and gray curtains framing the entire space. Table marker names were based on Cold Play songs, as Allyson & Jason have a long history and their relationship story is tied-into Cold Play. Silver candlesticks went down the center of each table as well as floating hot pink roses. I found this amazing black/silver patterned napkins and we perched the hand-detailed crystal place cards inside each fork. Silver chivari chairs were brought up from the ceremony to complete the look.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to get my hands on a good photo of the dance floor chandelier which a local florist, Francisco, was kind enough to lend us. It looked awesome! We also transformed the wall behind the DJ with a cut-out which looked nice during the day but, at night, it was lit-up and looked spectacular. Down below the dance floor a cigar roller was in place along with a small cigar lounge for all to enjoy their cigars.

I HEART HEART HEART this cake - I found a picture of something similar once and fell in love - I like the simplicity yet the absolute elegance of it and Memo, once again, outdid himself. Many of the crystals adorning the cake came from some old vintage jewelry of Dolores del Rio, a famous Mexican actress.

At the end of the evening Allyson and Jason had a bonfire and an ice-cream gathering out on the beach which was a great, relaxing way to end the evening. It was one of those picture-perfect weddings and I'm super happy we were a part of it. Coming-up Sanyu & Deke's Beach Bohemian Wedding and not long after Jennifer & Kent's Sayulita Vintage Wedding! Forward and onward!
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